Cheese making class , lunch in a mountain chalet under the three peaks of Lavaredo and Misurina

€ 0,00
Disponibile in 10-12 giorni lavorativi

Duration: 8 hours approx.


On this tour, we will pick you up directly from your lodgings in Cortina and we will take to a cheese
farm. The cheese laboratory is an immersive experience within our little dairy world.
The guests guided by our cheesemaker, will visit the dairy and the cheese cellar to discover its
secrets and the quality characteristics that distinguish them.
Our guests together with our cheesemaker Marco will produce their own form of cheese, starting
from the milk of the cows In his cheese-making school, Marco loves telling anecdotes and secrets
about the art of producing cheese.
Every time, together with the raw milk cheese varieties, he proposes different types of local cheese
and new experiments made with seasonal ingredients used to flavor cheese.
At the end of the activity, there will be a tasting of our products .
After the laboratory we bring you to one of our favorite restaurants in the area, a Malga at the
footstep of 3 Peaks of Lavaredo . Offering simple and delicious fare, the Malga does what Italian
food does best: it uses fresh, local ingredients, and brings them out to the fullest extent of their
After enjoying all three courses of lunch, it’s time for a pleasant walk around Misurina Lake

- English speaking local guide 8 hrs
- Vclass 8hrs at disposal
- cheese making class and tasting
- 3 courses lunch drinks excluded

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